¿Por qué tengo ansiedad por comer?
Ansiedad por Comer

Why do I have anxiety about eating?

Eating anxiety is a common phenomenon that affects many people around the world. It is important to understand why it happens and how it can be managed to maintain a healthy relationship with food...

Estilo de VidaConsejos para Reducir la Retención de Líquidos durante las Festividades Navideñas

Tips to Reduce Fluid Retention during the Christmas Holidays

The Christmas festivities are a time of celebration and enjoying delicious food and drinks. However, those holidays can often bring with them fluid retention, which can leave us feeling bloated an...

Retención de LíquidosAlimentos que Contribuyen a Reducir la Retención de Líquidos

Foods that Help Reduce Liquid Retention

You've probably experienced that uncomfortable feeling of swelling and heaviness that makes it difficult to put your shoes and clothes on comfortably. When you squeeze the skin, you feel it curious...

Dieta RestrictivaComo Cálcular la Cantidad de KCAL para una Dieta de Adelgazamiento para Mujer

How to Calculate the Amount of KCAL for a Weight Loss Diet for Women

How many calories should a woman consume daily to lose weight? As you might expect, there is no single answer to this question. The number of calories a woman should eat to lose weight depends ...

Estilo de VidaDerribando Mitos Yoga: Una práctica sorprendentemente efectiva para quemar calorías

Debunking Yoga Myths: A Surprisingly Effective Practice for Burning Calories

When thinking about burning calories, most people likely envision high-intensity exercise, such as running or lifting weights. However, yoga, an ancient practice that has become a global wellness ...

Estilo de VidaConsejos para Aumentar tus Pasos en Días de Mal Tiempo

Tips to Increase Your Steps on Bad Weather Days

Bad weather should not be an excuse to abandon your goals of staying active and healthy. Despite the rain, snow, or cold, there are plenty of creative ways to increase your steps without having to...